
University of Illinois Global Campus

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The University of Illinois Global Campus (Global Campus) was launched in January 2008 as the newest initiative in online education at the University of Illinois, US. Like many of its predecessors, it suffered from underenrolment from the start. Its planned closure was announced in September of 2009.

The University of Illinois Global Campus sought primarily to serve non-traditional students who were otherwise unable to pursue higher education due to barriers of location and scheduled class times. Degree and certificate programmes were created in collaboration with the colleges and academic departments at the University’s residential campuses at Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, and Springfield. The curricula were developed by University of Illinois faculty.

The Global Campus offered degrees and certificates in E-Learning, Nursing, Patient Safety Leadership, and Recreation, Sport and Tourism.

As noted in a recent article, "The university system's board voted in May to phase out the embattled project by New Year’s, rolling its remaining 500-odd students into existing programs in the system that offer online courses."

Analysts were skeptical that the University of Illinois Global Campus would succeed, as ventures of this type have not often done so (and are only rarely developed in the current e-learning climate). Indeed, the University of Illinois already offered online education at various campuses (e.g University of Illinois Springfield, as well as through a initiative that supports online education for several U of I campuses, the U of I Online). Hence the role of the Global Campus was called into question by skeptics on numerous occasions.

It is rumored, but not confirmed, that tenured faculty were unwilling to participate in the Global Campus effort.

The University of Illinois Global Campus web site remains (for now) at


  1. Maryland Online Doctoral Program Sparks University Fight,'s The Distance Daily, 14 September 14 2009, -
  2. What Doomed Global Campus?, 3 September 2009 - (Accessed 13 September 2009)

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> Programmes

This page was last modified on 15 September 2009, at 23:50. This page has been accessed 2,305 times.