
Stichting Digibeter

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Stichting Digibeter (Digibeter Foundation) is a foundation located in the Netherlands which enables children, who cannot attend school in person for a prolonged period of time due to illness or a handicap, to connect children with their class so they maintain contacts and can continue their education.

Digibeter stands for 'digitally becoming better'. The foundation was founded on 4 May 2001, with the aim to exploit and implement the know-how and experiences from the “Kim Wijnen” project in one or more pilots. In 2011 the foundation started a renewal with 2 objectives: new hardware and professionalisation.

Stichting Digibeter aims to develop a concept (with regard to technique, schooling, training and support with the implementation) which enables long-time ill children to actively participate in education, on the level of their own class. This concept must be low-cost, userfriendly, and it must be implementable within a week.

The Stichting Digibeter web site is at

> Netherlands

This page was last modified on 19 April 2012, at 10:23. This page has been accessed 1,358 times.