
Margaret Korosec

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Margaret Korosec is an educational technologist keen on identifying and evaluating digital learning resources that uniquely enhance both online and face-to-face learning environments. Currently a full time doctoral student at the University of Hull in the Faculty of Education, she is researching technology enhanced learning at Hymers College, an independent school that serves students ages 8-18. She is specifically looking at the way innovation spreads and how adoption of technology evolves when student engagement data is accessible.

Prior to her recent relocation to the UK, Margaret was the Manager of Learning Resources at Western Governors University. Whilst at WGU, she led a team that shifted the expectations for digital content enabling the self-paced, asynchronous student to engage with their learning resources and prepare for their competency based assessments.

She has worked and lived in the United States, Austria, England and Slovenia.

This page was last modified on 13 December 2012, at 12:15. This page has been accessed 892 times.