Highbury CollegeFrom Researching Virtual Initiatives in EducationHighbury College is a general further education college in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom. It provides vocational and academic education and training, from first-step courses to university level foundation degrees, A Levels, specialised services for business and education in the community. The College was inspected by Ofsted in May 2011 and was judged to be Grade 1 Outstanding in all areas. The College is a member of the 157 Group. The college website is http://www.highbury.ac.uk/client/index.asp
e-learningDistance learningThe college offers a number of distance learning courses ranging from level 1 to 4: http://www.highbury.ac.uk/client/content.asp?Contentid=362
Online learning for on-campus studentsThe college's library offers students access to online resources: http://www.highbury.ac.uk/client/content.asp?Contentid=310 Open Educational Resources (OER)No evidence of OERs found. VLEMyCourse, powered by Moodle, is the VLE at Highbury College.
In case of no match, check the search https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Highbury_College > England