
Audentes e-Gymnasium

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2020 Update

Audentes still exists and still uses Moodle.

Its website is still


Original entry

Audentes E-Gymnasium offers a combination of conventional and online learning format which is primarily intended for adult learners who have left high school to work and also for those who for various reasons (e.g health, work or sports career) cannot attend school on a daily basis. It is part of the private Audentes School and teaches 16 different subjects in a course system. One course amounts usually to 35 hours of work. Thus, the whole programme for the secondary school comprises of 85 courses. The cost of one course is 65 euros. The particular system will allow the subjects to be separated into blocks, e.g. two courses of chemistry are taught during the first semester and none during the second. Teaching is a combination of conventional and online learning, where face to face sessions amount to 16-20 hours per month and are spread over one weekend. Final examinations can be performed only at school.

The virtual learning environment is set up in Moodle - (was

The graduation certificate is accepted by universities.

Further information

> Estonia
> Europe
> Virtual schools[[Category:Virtual schools][[Category:2020 Virtual schools]

This page was last modified on 8 December 2020, at 16:53. This page has been accessed 2,954 times.