Auckland University of TechnologyFrom Researching Virtual Initiatives in EducationAuckland University of Technology (AUT) is the newest university in New Zealand, yet it has been educating people in the Auckland region for over a century. AUT first came into being in 1895 as the Auckland Technical School, opening its doors with a roll of 30 students. In 1989, when it was called the Auckland Institute of Technology, it became the first polytechnic in New Zealand to offer degrees and masters courses. In 2000 it became the Auckland University of Technology. AUT has just over 23,000 students in 2007, equating to just over 16,000 equivalent full-time students. The Auckland University of Technology web site is at http://www.aut.ac.nz It has a number of collaborations with universities around the world especially in Asia.
More detailsThere is a very informative Annual Report for 2007. There is a particularly strong discipline of management by performance indicators. Note that Auckland also is the host city for the University of Auckland, a separate institution.
VLEAUT's online campus AUTonline is based on Blackboard and is at http://www.aut.ac.nz/autonline/