Argyll College UHIFrom Researching Virtual Initiatives in EducationArgyll College UHI is a further and higher education college in Scotland, founded in 1997, and now appears to be an internal department in UHI and not a college which receives funding separately from the Scottish Funding Council. The college has centres in Dunoon, Argyll and Bute. The college website is http://www.argyllcollege.uhi.ac.uk/web/
e-learningDistance learningThe college offers open learning courses: http://www.argyllcollege.uhi.ac.uk/web/courses/index.php. More detail available in the college prospectus: http://issuu.com/argyll-college-uhi/docs/prospectus12-13?mode=window&backgroundColor=%23222222 Online learning for on-campus studentsThe college library offers access to online resources to students: http://www.argyllcollege.uhi.ac.uk/web/support/library.php Open Educational Resources (OER)No evidence found of OERs. VLEUHI uses Blackboard as its VLE, but it is not clear whether this extends to Argyll College.
For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argyll_College_UHI > Scotland