AlbaniaFrom Researching Virtual Initiatives in EducationPartners situated in AlbaniaAlbania in a nutshellAlbania, officially the Republic of Albania, is a Mediterranean country in South Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Montenegro to the north, Kosovo to the northeast, Macedonia to the east and Greece to the south-east. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the west, and on the Ionian Sea to the southwest. It is less than 72 km (45 mi) from Italy, across the Strait of Otranto which links the Adriatic Sea to the Ionian Sea. Albania is a member of the United Nations, NATO, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Council of Europe, World Trade Organisation, Organisation of the Islamic Conference and one of the founding members of the Union for the Mediterranean. Albania has been a potential candidate for accession to the European Union since January 2003, and it formally applied for EU membership on 28 April 2009.[4] Albania is a parliamentary democracy and a transition economy. The Albanian capital, Tirana, is home to approximately 895,000 of the country's 3.6 million people, and it is also the financial capital of the country.[5] Free-market reforms have opened the country to foreign investment, especially in the development of energy and transportation infrastructure. (Sourced from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albania) Albania education policy(sourced from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Albania) The literacy rate in Albania for the total population, age 9 or older, is about 99%. Elementary education is compulsory (grades 1-9), but most students continue at least until a secondary education. Students must successfully pass graduation exams at the end of the 9th grade and at the end of the 12th grade in order to continue their education. Most schools are public and financed through the government, but recently several private schools of various levels have been opened. There are about 5000 schools throughout the country. The academic year is divided into two semesters. The school week begins on Monday and ends on Friday. Depending on the academic level, the school year usually begins in September or October and finishes around June or July. There is a winter break of about two weeks.
Albania education systemHigher educationThe lists below are taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_Albania HEIs in AlbaniaPublic UniversitiesUniversities in Tirana
Universities in Korçë Universities in Shkodër Universities in Durrës Universities in Gjirokastër Universities in Vlora Universities in Elbasan Private Universities
Other academic institutionsSee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_of_Sciences_of_Albania
Higher education reformThe Bologna ProcessAdministration and financeQuality assuranceSee the description in English at http://www.aaal.edu.al/pagesEN/pages/AAHE.htm See also:
Albania HEIs in the information societyTowards the information societyInformation society strategyVirtual Campuses in HEInteresting Virtual Campus InitiativesInteresting ProgrammesRe.ViCa Case-studyNone. Lessons learntReferencesThere is an excellent survey article relevant to both HE and schools in Albania:
Interestingly it refers to a paper
by VISCED expert Spiros Borotis, now at Lambrakis Foundation.