
Northeast Wisconsin Online Network

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The Northeast Wisconsin Online Network (NEWON, formerly NEWOCS Online Charter School) is an online consortium of grade 6-12 online courses for regional member school districts located in the US state of Wisconsin. Students enroll through their resident school district, and receive that district's diploma.

NEWON is administered by Wisconsin's Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESA-7) learning community.

The network describes itself as:

A computer-based, Internet-based, asynchronous network eager to serve students whose needs are not being met in a traditional learning environment. The network will provide courses for the following students:
  • Nontraditional learners seeking a full programme in the online computer approach;
  • Underachieving learners seeking a common foundation for success shared with their peers that helps to close the achievement gap, as described in "The New Wisconsin Promise";
  • Learners who have interests in courses not available in their school setting; and
  • Notably high achieving students who seek accelerated learning opportunities.

To assure equity of access to the online network, NEWON has a lottery. All placements are contingent on space and finances being available. Various vendors are used to provide content, and courses are paced for completion at certain times.

The Northeast Wisconsin Online Network web site is at

More Details

Students may participate in traditional extra-curricular activities (e.g. team sports), according to district policy.


> Wisconsin
> United States
> Virtual schools

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